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Power BI Guide - for GBQ connectivity through service account.


Connectivity is indeed a crucial aspect of Power BI. It refers to the ability of Power BI to connect with various data sources, including databases, online services, files, and more. This connectivity enables users to access, analyse, and visualize data from diverse sources within Power BI, empowering them to gain insights and make data-driven decisions. With a wide range of connectivity options, Power BI ensures flexibility and efficiency in handling data from different sources, contributing to its effectiveness as a business intelligence tool.


Authenticating through a Google service account.

  • When you authenticate through a Google service account in Power BI Desktop, there's a specific credential format that's required by the connector.

  • Service Account Email: must be in email format

  • Service Account JSON key file contents: once this JSON key is downloaded, all new lines must be removed from the file so that the contents are in one line. Once the JSON file is in that format, the contents can be pasted into this field.

  • When you authenticate through a Google service account in Power BI service or Power Query Online, users need to use "Basic" authentication. The Username field maps to the Service Account Email field above, and the Password field maps to the Service Account JSON key file contents field above. The format requirements for each credential remain the same in both Power BI Desktop, Power BI service, and Power Query Online.


Go to Power BI and click on the get data option from the ribbon available at the top. Search for GBQ and click on the Google Big Query connector available in the list as shown in the screenshot.

Once the pop-up is displayed click ok to see the connectivity options.

Select “service account login” from the options available.

We need to get the service account email and the JSON key from the GCP IAM and enter them here.

Very Important Note: Enter the service account email and JSON key file contents in one line without any new line characters.

Once the successful connection, the accessible datasets and tables will be displayed.

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